Schallmooser Hauptstraße 10
Postfach 74 | 5027 Salzburg
t. +43 (0) 662 63 29 00
f. +43 (0) 662 875787 – 111
Company Office Registered at 5020 Salzburg
FN 135832 d | UID-No.: ATU 41038603 | TAX-No. DE: 182/124/20219 | DVR-Nr.: 4016232
Chief Executive Officer: Mag. Johannes Gfrerer
Authorised Officer: Mag. Martin Fröhlich, Wilhelm Prommegger, Nina Steckenbauer MA
Line of Business: Conveyance of Passengers Co-Ordination within the State of Salzburg
Supervisory Authorities: Provincial Government of Salzburg (Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung), Federal ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit), Schienen Control GmbH, Agency for Passenger Rights (Agentur für Passagier- und Fahrgastrechte), Municipal Authorities of the City of Salzburg;
Object of the company: Transport association organisation society in accordance with the local and regional public passenger transport act (ÖPNRV-G), activity in the area of the promotion and improvement of local and regional public passenger transport, the development and implementation of innovative mobility solutions, alternative operating forms and other further mobility provisions.
Sources of Law (
Öffentlicher Personennah- und Regionalverkehrsgesetz 1999 idgF (ÖPNRV-G 1999), Kraftfahrliniengesetz idgF (KflG), Eisenbahn-Beförderungs- und Fahrgastrechtegesetz idgF (EisbBFG), Gewerbeordnung 1994 idgF (GewO 1994)
Court of Jurisdiction: Salzburg
Responsible for the content:
Mag. Johannes Gfrerer |
The information on this website is provided in good faith and with the best intentions. Information provided by third parties is assumed to be reliable. Despite thorough and careful review of all content on this site, we cannot guarantee complete freedom from errors.
The Salzburger Verkehrsverbund GmbH (SVG) is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the information on this website and no claims can be brought against the SVG based on the content of this website.
The SVG does not represent any other website that can be accessed via hyperlink from this website and therefore accepts no responsibility for the content and information contained there within, and would also like to expressly emphasise copyrights associated with those websites reached via hyperlink.
The SVG accepts no liability arising from visiting this website or the use of the information contained on this website, regardless of the legal basis.
All rights reserved, especially on industrial and intellectual property rights concerning the contents (§ 46 UrhG). Linking is not allowed without the consent of the Salzburger Verkehrsverbund GmbH (SVG), which must be given beforehand.
Supervisory council:
Mr. Mag. Dominik Fenninger
Mr. DI Dr. Friedrich Wernsperger
Mr. Bgm. Hannes Rainer
Mr. Bgm. Florian Jurtisch, LLM.oec.
Mr. LAbg. Eduard Egger
Mr. Helmut Naderer
Mr. Bgm. LAbg. Ing. Simon Wallner
Mr. Matthias Kuss
For reasons of better readability, the masculine form is used for personal designations and personal nouns on this website. Some terms generally apply to all genders in terms of equal treatment. The shortened form of language is for editorial reasons only and does not include any rating.
Accessible website:
Layout and technical setup of this webpage are mostly corresponding to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines / WCAG 2.0, level A.
Design, Concept and Programming:
media cube communications GmbH
Austrasse 8 | 5110 Oberndorf
Photo Credits:
If not stated differently, all rights are reserved by the respective author.