In urgent cases please contact the service hotline: 0662 632900
ATTENTION: Our telephone hotline is temporarily only available at the following times: Mon-Thu from 08:00-17:00, Fri from 08:00-15:00
ATTENTION: Our telephone hotline is temporarily only available at the following times: Mon-Thu from 08:00-17:00, Fri from 08:00-15:00
Head of the legal Dept., Authorised Officer
Head of Customer Service, Cooperations & Tarrifs, Authorised Officer
Head of controlling, accounting and clearing department, Authorised Officer
Executive Assistant
Executive Assistant
Executive Assistant
Team Leader Customer Centre
Customer Centre, Time Cards
Customer Centre, Time Cards
Customer Centre
Customer Centre, Time Cards
Customer Centre, Time Cards, Jobticket
Customer Centre, Time Cards, Jobticket
Time Cards
Time Cards
Customer Feedback
Customer Feedback
Customer Feedback
Team Leader Pr & Marketing
Graphic Designer
PR & Marketing
PR & Marketing
PR & Marketing
Head of Customer Service, Cooperations & Tariffs, Authorised Officer
Tariffs & Touristic Offers
Head of the Transport Planning Department, Railway
Timetable Information, VAO
Timetable Information, DIVA
Transport Planning: Busses
Transport Planning: Busses
Transport Planning: Busses
Transport Planning: Busses
Transport Planning: Busses
Transport Planning: Railway
Transport Planning: Busses
Transport Planning: Micro public transport
Transport Planning: Micro public transport
Quality Management
Quality Management
Head of the Legal Department, Authorised Officer
Legal Department
Head of controlling, accounting and clearing department, Authorised Officer
Controlling & Accouting
Accounting – Suppliers
Accounting – Customers
Clearing Department
Clearing Department
Clearing Department
Sustainability / ESG
Head of IT
Software Engineer | Databases
Telematics | Network Technology
System Administrator
Software Engineer
Telematics / Network Technology
System Administrator
project management, innovatoins project manager for Mobilitätslabor & Zukunftswege
project management, innovations, implementation PM, training PM
project management, innovations, project monitoring of SVG-projects